Air quality modeling and air pollutants/meteorology/climate interactions
대기질 모델링 및 대기오염물질/기상/기후 상호작용
We employ regional-scale atmospheric chemistry models (e.g., WRF-Chem and CMAQ models) and urban-scale models to investigate air quality and its interaction with local-/regional-scale meteorology and climate.
Global warming and aerosols impacts on precipitation [Ryu and Min 2022, npj Climat. Atmos. Sci.]
Clouds, photochemistry, and aerosols [Ryu et al. 2017, GRL; Ryu et al. 2018, ACP, Ryu et al. 2022, JAMC, Ryu et al. 2022, AE]
Advances in air quality modeling [Ryu et al. 2019, JGR-Atmosphere, Ryu et al. 2021, AAQR, Ryu and Min 2022, JAMES]
Aerosols/ozone and boundary layer interactions [Ryu et al. 2013, ACP]
Urban canopy models and urban meteorology modeling
도시캐노피모형 및 도시기상 모델링
Urban canopy models (UCMs) parameterize various physical processes occurring in urban areas, which are not explicitly represented in regional- or climate-scale models. UCMs can be directly applied to urban greening strategies (e.g., planting trees) for climate change adaptation strategies.
A single-layer urban canopy model for use in atmospheric models [Ryu et al. 2011, JAMC]
Urban heat island mechanisms [Ryu and Baik 2012, JAMC]
Addition of trees in an urban canopy model [Ryu et al. 2016, BLM, Wang et al. 2021, BE ]
Potential mechanism of increases in ozone in urban areas due to urban-modified meteorology [Ryu et al. 2013, ACP; Ryu et al. 2013, AE ]
Ozone (O3) difference between simulations with Seoul City and without it. ->
Environmental big data
환경 빅데이터
Internet search volume big data from Google and NAVER enable us to better understand how people perceive air quality. [Ryu and Min 2020, ERL]
Land/atmosphere interactions
지면/대기 상호작용
Heavy rainfall can be further intensified by the evaporation from land surfaces [Ryu et al. 2016, JHM]
Potential enhancements of convection and precipitation due to urban land surfaces [Ryu et al. 2016, MWR]